Please share your comments below. THANKS!
Current information on all firearms chambered in .360 REMINGTON BUCKHAMMER. PLEASE add your comments with direct links to the this blog.

BELLM TCs: Home of Thompson Center Firearms performance parts and accessories for over 40 years!
HAUSofARMS (SSK & MGM Contender/Encore Frames, Barrels, Optics, & Accessories)
SSK Firearms (Custom Single Shot Contender/Encore Barrels)
Match Grade Machine (MGM) (Custom Single Shot Contender/Encore Barrels)
I have the Henry steel side loader and it has an average of one to one and one half inch three shot grouping at 100 yards with the Remington 200 gr core lock load. Took two deer with the Remington 200 gr core lock at 40 to 60 yards, there was significant meat damage, but one shot kills and short trailing, any idea what would be just as effective with less damage?
News from HausOfArms (08/21/23): Well, folks, the wait is over--SSK-50 FRAMES ARE SHIPPING!!! Several mentions have been made on various Facebook groups, but I know many of you are not on social media.
Just a reminder that we'll be contacting you when your order is ready to ship. We'll need a fresh copy of your FFL as well as payment if you've not already done so (or received a refund). We are extremely busy contacting customers and shipping these frames so please be patient.
You can also help by not calling to ask where you are on the list. That will just interrupt our flow and slow down the process
Of the 400 orders originally placed and as a thank you…